COVID-19 Travel & Testing Policies
The following policy information is current as of September 1, 2022.
Pre-travel testing INBOUND to NSGB
Effective June 29, 2022, in accordance with amendments within sections 7.4 and 7.5 of the "Consolidated Department Defense Coronavirus Disease 2019 Force Health Protection Guidance, "it is recommended, but not required, that passengers inbound to U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay test for COVID-19 within 1 to 3 days of travel.
COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement
All service members deploying in support of JTF-GTMO must be fully vaccinated, no exceptions. All other personnel entering the SOUTHCOM AOR must be fully vaccinated, or meet one of the listed eligibility criteria.
Outbound from Naval Station Guantanamo Bay
Effective December 22, 2021, Pre-flight COVID-19 testing is not required for any passenger departing NSGB for CONUS. This policy may be amended in response to COVID-19 conditions and implementation of increased safety protocols.
Effective April 16, 2022, Jamaica eliminated all pre-arrival testing for international visitors, travelers to Jamaica are no longer required to show proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR or rapid antigen test taken within 72 hours of their trip.
Pre-Flight testing in front of the hospital will continue to be offered on Thursday mornings 9 to 9:30 a.m. for travelers who are proceeding directly on to international destinations in Europe, Philippines and Japan from the U.S.
COVID-19 Testing at NSGB
The hospital provides COVID-19 testing outside main entrance of the hospital on Mondays and Thursday mornings from 9 and 9:30 for individuals flying to CONUS and then, directly on, to Europe, Philippines or Japan. Testing is also available to non-symptomatic individuals who, 5 days after close contact with a COVID-19 positive individual, desire to test. Close contacts are not required to test but if desired, may test during the regularly scheduled Monday or Thursday morning testing.
- WHO: Passengers on orders flying directly on to Europe, Philippines or Japan / Optional for Close Contacts 5 Days after exposure to COVID-19 positive person.
- WHAT: Nasal Swab Collection COVID-19 Testing
- WHERE: Outside Main Entrance at Hospital
- WHEN: Monday and Thursday 9 to 9:30 a.m.
- TEST RESULTS: For Travelers - results may be picked up at Medical Records at the hospital between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. Bring your completed records request form, one for each person, to the Medical Records Department to pick up your test results. Medical Records closes at 4 p.m. For all others: you will receive a call if your test is positive. If you do not receive a call within 24 hours, your test result was negative.
- COST: Provided by USNH GB at no charge to TRICARE Beneficiaries, DoD civilians and their dependents, Local/Foreign Nationals, and DoD contractors and their dependents. All other patient categories may be charged on a case by case basis. NOTE: If you receive a bill for COVID-19 testing call the Business Office at 7-2230, to have the bill written off.
If You Test Positive for COVID-19 at NSGB
COVID-19 Positive Hospital Test
COVID-19 Positive hospital-administered test, regardless of vaccine status: Vaccinated; Boosted; Unvaccinated.
- You must isolate for the 5 full days and wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days.
- If isolating within multi-member household, family or roommate members must wear a mask when exiting the home for 10 days.
- You are encouraged to contact people with whom, over the last three days, you have been in close contact: 6 feet or closer for more than 15 minutes.
- Inform your Close Contacts of protocol (below) for close contacts of all ages regardless of vaccine status.
Day 5 Symptom Check Results
1. NO symptoms: release and wear mask for following 5 day
2. YES symptoms: remain in isolation until Day 10
Day 10 Symptom Check Results
1. If symptoms are improving and no fever with no fever-reducing meds in last 24 hours, release from isolation
2. If fever is present, Medical Provider intervention.
Complete Instruction for Hospital COVID-19 Positive Test
COVID-19 Positive Home Test
- Active Duty Members, DoD civilian employees and DoD contractor personnel who test positive for COVID-19 with a home test must notify their Chain of Command/Supervisors.
- Chain of Command/Supervisors may request photo confirmation of the COVID-19 positive home test.
- Chain of Command/Supervisors may request that individuals receive a confirmation test at the hospital. To arrange to receive drive-up confirmation COVID-19 test, call the COVID-19 Hotline at 7-2670 and report positive home test result.
- Military personnel who test positive for COVID-19 with a home test and want it documented in their medical record may call the Primary Care Clinic at 7-2944 or 7-2945.
- Anyone who tests positive with a home test and who wants to speak to a medical provider about non-emergency symptoms may contact Primary Care Clinic at 7-2944 or 7-2945 during business hours or may contact their provider through secure messaging.
- DoD civilian employees and DoD contractor personnel with a positive home test result are not required to receive confirmation testing at the hospital, but should call the COVID-19 Hotline if they want a confirmation test (per DoD Force Health Protection Guidance). Members can also contact Primary Care Clinic during business hours to discuss their symptoms or to have the home test documented in their medical record.
- Symptomatic family members are not required to receive confirmation testing but may call the COVID-19 Hotline if they want a confirmation test.
- Inform your Close Contacts of protocol (below) for close contacts of all ages regardless of vaccine status.
Complete Instruction for Home COVID-19 Positive Test
Close Contact Protocol
A Close Contact is someone, regardless of age or vaccine status, who has been within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more of COVID-19 positive individual, within 3 days of the individual's positive test.
- Regardless of vaccine status, when near people, wear a well-fitting mask for ten days
- Monitor for symptoms: headache, sore throat, body aches, chills, fever.
- If you begin to have symptoms, you are encouraged to take a home test. If a home test is not available, you may call the COVID-19 Hotline 7-2670 to screen for testing.
- After 5 days from close contact with a COVID-19 positive person, non-symptomatic Close Contact individuals are no longer required to receive a COVID-19 test, but should continue to wear a mask for 5 days.
- If desired, any Close Contact individuals may test after 5 days of exposure to COVID-19 positive person, during regular COVID-19 testing on Monday or Thursday mornings in front of the hospital from 9 to 9:30 a.m.

COVID-19 Vaccine
COVID-19 vaccines currently available are Pfizer. Moderna and Novavax. For COVID-19 vaccine appointment times, visit Immunizations.
DOD Mandate
The DOD requires COVID-19 vaccines for all members of the Armed Forces under DoD authority on active duty or in the Ready Reserve, including the National Guard, who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19. If you’re a service member and you’ve received a COVID-19 vaccine from a non-DOD provider, make sure to update your medical records.
Administration Fee
On September 30, 2021, the office of Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs issued a memorandum detailing guidance for COVID-19 vaccine administration fees.
While COVID-19 vaccines are federally purchased and provided at no cost, Military Treatment Facilities must bill for the vaccine administration fee. >>Learn more.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do if I have symptoms?
If you experience any of these symptoms or if you have questions, call the COVID-19 Hotline at 7-2670 or dial 757-458-2998, choose option 1, dial 7-2670. Do not report to hospital before talking to a medical professional.
What if I test positive when I am scheduled to fly to NSGB?
Call your command sponsor. Your command sponsor will reach out to the proper medical professionals who will review your case and work with you to provide you medical guidance and recommendations.