Need Influenza Vaccine? Check our Immunizations page for information. 
Cash Cage has NEW HOURS. Check Medical Billing before you come by.

About Us

Incoming Personnel 


Congratulations on your orders to USNH Guantanamo Bay! We look forward to your arrival. You will be a member of a team that provides top quality health care for a population of approximately 6,000 installation residents including active duty, their families, U.S. civilian and foreign national personnel. We maintain one of the Navy's highest patient satisfaction rates among all Military Treatment Facilities, manage the only Home Health facility in the Navy, and have earned the Navy Surgeon General’s Blue H Gold Star every year since 2014.  

Preparing to PCS 

USNH Guantanamo Bay is staffed and equipped primarily for providing care and treatment of general medical conditions and emergency treatment. If you have an ongoing medical or dental condition, you must obtain special clearance through the Overseas Screening Process before you transfer.  Information about the process and disqualifying medical conditions may be found here.

Helpful Guides

Please also find our US NMRTC USNH Guantanamo Bay PCS Checklist which may be very useful as you plan and prepare for your move here. To gain insight on day to day activities and life at Guantanamo Bay check out this week's Base Roller Channel Slides

Urgent Contact 

Urgent need after hours and can't reach your sponsor? Call the Quarterdeck and let them know you need to be connected with the USNH GB Sponsorship Coordinator.  Dial (757) 458-2998 Choose Option "1", Dial extension 7-2360. DSN 660-2360. 

Prior to Checking-In 

New! No-Fee Passport Requirement for Family Members

Credentials Checklist for Providers and Clinical Support Staff​


When you arrive:  Check-In Procedures

COVID-19 Protocol

Testing and ROM 

Complete and current information regarding all inbound testing and ROM policy, protocol and procedures in located on this website in the COVID-19 section under Patient Resources. 


Keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!